Medi - A media archiver Logo



Requirements and Installation








Preliminary version. Waiting for questions, simply e-mail Antonio Petrelli.

General questions

What is Medi?

What Medi stands for?

What is Javatools-mod?

How can Medi help me?

Are you going to do something to make installation easier?

Problems Questions

I ran MediInstallerWizard, and it seems that it worked correctly. Then I ran MediMain and it stucks in “Loading database provider” phase. Then it crashes, or I have to kill it manually. What went wrong?

Q: What is Medi?

A: Medi is a media archiver, i.e. an application that store information about your data in your media (CDs, floppies, hard disk...) into a database.

Q: What Medi stands for?

A: It stands for nothing! It was a typing mistake. I wrote "MediaPedia", I didn't like it and I backspaced... but what! Enter key skips under my fingers! The result was "Medi". I liked it and I took it. Anyway Antonio Bianco (the one who wrote most of MediX) said that it meand “Molte Energie Distribuite Inutilmente”, that means “Lots of energies uselessly distributed”...

Q: What is Javatools-mod?

A: Javatools-mod is a modified version of Javatools by Chris Bitmead. It contains several useful classes for programmers (well at least useful for Medi ;-)

Q: How can Medi help me?

A: Did you ever experience the sensation that you lost some file in your heap of CDs? Yes? Me too... Use the search engine to find it out. Did you want something to catalogue your files (especially MP3 files) by authors, genres and album? Ok take it, it also reads ID3 tags (thanks to JD3Lib).

Q: Why should I download all this software to make it work? Maybe this is a stupid question...

A: Don't worry, this is not a stupid question. You only don't know how a database works. You need Java (TM) Runtime Environment just to run this program. You need a database to store all the media. You need a JDBC driver to connect this program to the database.

Q: Are you going to do something to make installation easier?

A: Yes. I have to investigate how it works under several OSs. I am going to do it a piece at a time.

Q: I ran MediInstallerWizard, and it seems that it worked correctly. Then I ran MediMain and it stucks in “Loading database provider” phase. Then it crashes, or I have to kill it manually. What went wrong?

A: Maybe you did not install JDBC driver correctly. You have to put JAR files of JDBC drivers in the “extension” directory, i.e.:


Maybe you did not install Java Runtime Environment correctly. It has been reported (thanks Matt!) that reinstalling JRE and JDBC drivers, the program works correctly.