Medi - A media archiver



Requirements and Installation








Welcome to Medi - a media archiver.

Medi is a program that uses a database to store information about media, such as CDs, CD-ROMs, etc. and their contents (files, songs...)

Version 0.3.3 released! Now it has new improvements for non DB-experts, i.e. it uses an internal HSQLDB database as default, so if it is your first installation you don't have to configure anything!

If you use Firebird, remember to rename you database file from “.gdb” to “.fdb”. Database creation for Firebird now uses only pure Java code (i.e. all platform supports it), but you have to download the latest JDBC driver.

Like version 0.3.0, it supports MediX Provider, that is a PHP+XML based server that connects to interbase for getting data. See download section for details (remember, you have to download it only if you want to experiment something...).

If you are upgrading from a previous release prior to 0.2.0, run MediUpdater.jar before starting.

ATTENTION! Medi is in Alpha stage! I'm searching for alpha testers. See how to become an alpha tester.

See news about PostgreSQL support.

Now supported DBMS are: MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB.

Now supported languages are: English, Italian, Spanish.

Javatools modified package changed its license to Gnu Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

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